New updates to the RWS Dashboard

We are currently rolling out a new update to the RWS Dashboard that will improve email deliverability and include the ability to send HTML emails.

Previously, the lead manager software only sent plain text emails, for example your autoresponders and email listing alerts. This new update will allow you to setup HTML auto response emails, which will allow for better looking emails and the ability to include photos embedded in the email.

The new email update will also include the ability to track email delivery plus opens, clicks and complaints. In addition, the new auto response emails will include an unsubscribe link.

We believe email marketing is very important for staying in front of customers and getting them to return to your website. These new updates should improve the effectiveness of these emails and provide insight into your customers behavior.

The new email update which includes updating the IDX Plugin for WordPress and updates to the RWS Dashboard.


If you log into the Dashboard and click on your name to see the Autoresponder option in the dropdown. The new Autoresponder page includes a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor for the message field. You should be familiar with the WYSIWYG editor because it is the same as the WordPress visual editor. Using the WYSIWYG editor, you can now include html links, text formatting and even embed images.

New WYSIWYG Editor included for the Autoresponder messages.

There are 3 Autoresponder messages available for customization:

1. Message Autoresponder – This auto response email will be sent when a visitor submits a message using the plugin contact form. This autoresponder can be disabled. The user can enter a subject and message for the email.

Sample autoresponder for contact form.

2. Signup Email – This auto response email will be automatically sent after a prospect registers on the website. This autoresponder cannot be disabled. The user can customize the welcome email subject and message.

Sample welcome email for visitors that register on the website. All prospects will receive this message. You can also resend the welcome email from the prospect profile page in the RWS Dashboard.

3. Email Alerts – This auto response email will be automatically sent to users when new listings match their saved search criteria. This autoresponder cannot be disabled. The prospects search criteria is queried daily. If there are new listings matching their saved search criteria and the prospect has enabled email alerts, then an email alert will be sent. Prospects can disable their email alerts using the Saved Search feature located on their dashboard. The user can customize the email alerts subject and message.

Sample listing alert email. Includes button to automatically log the user into their account on your website.

The autoresponder includes template tags in your autoresponder subject and message. These template tags will be automatically replaced with corresponding data from the Edit Profile page. Please be sure to review your info entered in the Edit Profile page.

All template tags will be replaced by data from the Profile page. It is required to enter the website URL for Homepage field.